Friday, June 12, 2015

29' 1971 Airstream Ambassador Landyacht remodel

In April, 2015 we purchased our 29' 1971 Airstream Ambassador Landyacht.  We really wanted to keep the camper as original as possible so we did some cosmetic updates on the interior and brought the exterior back to life.  We've named her Airhed.

Below is a before and after pic of the exterior.  We used Citris Strip to remove the factory gel coat and California Custom Aluminum Deoxidizer and Purple Metal Polish.  It Wade took over 100 hours and several applications of each product to get it just right.

Here is what she looked like when we bought her:
We ogled over these pics for days before going to look at her.

It took us a minute but we really fell in love with the dark mid century modern paneling and were delighted it was all in great shape and not scratched or damaged and envisioned how it would look with more gray tones in fabric and flooring to compliment it.


Some pics of the exterior work

Above is a pic of the Citris Strip painted on to remove the factory gel coat.

Washing it off - The first view of  the results of the Citris Strip

Factory Gel Coat removed with Citris Strip- some areas required touch up. We actually did some spots and panels a few times.
The top of the trailer had a lot of oxidation making it look like a sun burn.  This was the first spot we used the California Custom Aluminum Deoxider and Purple Polish.
The end cap showing oxidation before and after using the California Custom Aluminum Deoxider and Purple Polish.

Some pics of the interior work

The interior end cap and sky window plastic had yellowed. We spray painted them with several coats of Rust-Oleum 2x Antique white in flat.
A/C painted with several coats of Rust-Oleum 2x Antique white in flat.
Another view of the A/C painted with several coats of Rust-Oleum Antique white in flat.
We painted the plastic in the bathroom with several coats of Rust-Oleum 2x in gloss white
We painted the plastic in the bathroom with several coats of Rust-Oleum 2x in gloss white

Fiberglass sink painted with white Marine paint in semi gloss white -
The plastic surround at the kitchen window had yellowed, was brittle and cracked and not worth painting so we removed it.

Re-Upholstering the couch

After receiving a quote from a local upholstery shop for $1100 just for labor do make three cushion covers and re-upholster the two arm rests; I decided to tackle the job myself.  I have done some upholstery work on a small accent chair and have some experience with sewing home fabric projects 
To prep: I took all the measurements to calculate my fabric and Googled a couple of internet videos on how to make box cushion covers.  I decided to re-use the zippers that were on the original cushions.  Once my fabric was selected it was just a matter of getting down to business. 

Cats inspecting the old smelly couch arms
Couch arm with fabric removed
Original foam over couch arm wood. Ewe mold!
Original wood for couch arm, the corners are deteriorated from leak
Reference pic of the underside of the couch arm top

Couch arms re-upholstered, cut fabric to size and stapled on 

First pass at the seat cushion, the fabric didn't line up at the end. I ended up ripping this apart and re-cutting for the smaller back cushion
Airstream couch bed 
Custom Pillow made with odds and ends fabric

Shop Work June - July 2015

We dropped Airhed off at Lazy Days in Tampa with a large bucket list of items to get done.

Here's the breakdown:

Installed new water heater
Replaced shocks
Bearings packed - complete
Alignment - complete
Get refrigerator to run off gas - fixed
Check furnace (doesn't work - paid for them to check it out decided to fix later)
Get Magic chef to work (paid for them to check it out decided to fix later)
Seized up shower faucet - replaced cartridge
Low water pressure at kitchen sink- fixed
Install new Astrodome that we provided - complete
Replace seals around roof vents except A/C - complete
Create a new hinge and install exterior door - complete

Review of work done by Lazy Days - They had the camper for two weeks before handing our work of to a new service rep and had it for six weeks total. They hooked up the water all wrong in the back which caused a water pressure issue and hose to pop off while on a trip. Wade fixed.  They put a hole in the camper near the main water housing in the back. Wade has to fix. They left the battery cables loose which caused us to blow our main fuses which made the power jack stop working while on a trip. Wade fixed after special ordering AGS fuses from the internet.  They left dirty hand and shoe marks throughout the inside and outside of the camper. Bonnie cleaned and Wade will have to buff out exterior hand prints.  They used and lost our tire chocks, we noticed when we picked it up and notified them before we left and they replaced them at no charge. They also did not leave any documentation that came with the new water heater.  After spending thousands of dollars we were not impressed!  We won't be bringing it back to them.

Refrigerator Makeover
The refrigerator is in good working order. We just wanted to give it an updated stainless steel look. We ordred ez faux stainless steel film from the internet and it was a breeze to install.

View from entry door

View from bedroom

Stainless Steeel film in Nickel

Wade cutting the roll to panel sizes

Other interior pics
Living room cradenza before new curtains and new flooring

Entry and Galley
The Awning
8/26/15 - We just ordered our custom Awning!

Having the awning made by Marti's Awnings using Sunbrella 4879-0000 Rodanthe Metallic

9/15 Awning has arrived!
The Awning in place not the best pic

9/2015 Floor Replacement
The old floor that was replaced by recently by the previous owners was a vinyl wood plank but we wanted a color that highlighted the dark wood and the oak wasn't cutting it. I'm so glad we removed the floor as there was a leak and we found some soft spots that needed fixing.

old oak colored vinyl plank

Wet Spot from the leaky antenna hole, fixed the leak, we put the fan on this to dry out.

Right Panel removed from fridge to install wall mounted TV on panel

Back of fridge after removing right panel

Down to plywood

Floor rot near near cradenza and couch after leak fixed. This whole dark section was dry but gone, it needed to be replaced.

Removed rotted wood near cradenza and couch after rot removal
New floor selection, Vinyl Plank in Ash from Home Depot
We removed the right panel next to the fridge to install the TV, it was much easier than removing the fridge.

New Floor

New floor and cradenz re-installed, we have since installed the folding table that attaches

The Curtains 

09/2015 I made new curtains!
This is a pic of one the old living room curtains and 10 yards of new fabric
New living room curtain windows made!

Don't sew your finger!
New curtain panel left, old panel right. The new panel is lined with blackout fabric and has silver tones in it.

10/2015 New Tires!
After a trip to NC and had a bum tire, we realized all the tires needed replacing. Done!

2/2016 Pantry Makover!
The Pantry is deep but it really needed better access
Much better for use of space!

2/2016 Pantry Makover!
The kitchen sink baskets had deteriorated underneath and it had to be replaced.

3/2016 Some after remodel photos

**In June of 2016 we sold Airhed and in September 2016 we purchased our new project our 1978 Argosy 24' . **


  1. Really nice work and entries! I sure hope I have my sunglasses on when I catch you on I-4!! Enjoy

  2. Hi from AZ. . . just had a minute to look at this and. . . Geez, you guys have done a LOT ! Nice work too ! Some fun times ahead as a reward for all your hard work. Thanks for sharing, and best, Craig (aka RamblinMan)

  3. Very tasteful - light and airy. Bravo!

  4. Thank you for using our EzFaux Décor LLC Faux Stainless and we LOVE the pictures. We wish you many of great times in the Airstream .............just glad we could be a little bitty part of it.

    1. So glad you saw this! Thanks for the amazing product!

  5. Hi! How much of the stripper and aluminum deoxidizer and purple metal you used for your trailer?? Thank you looks amazing!

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